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Date registered: 4 March 2020

Latest posts

  1. Meeting for Optometrists at the Royal Society of Medicine — 25 January 2024
  2. Mark appointed Visiting Adjunct Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, USA — 1 December 2023
  3. Restrictions lifting but little change… — 21 July 2021
  4. From the Front Line: Mark on volunteering at the Royal London Hospital’s Covid ITU — 5 February 2021
  5. Lockdown 3 and Medical Appointments — 22 January 2021

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Meeting for Optometrists at the Royal Society of Medicine

We were delighted to host many of London’s leading optometrists (many of whom are good friends of the practice) at the Royal Society of Medicine for a talk by Mark and his consultant colleague, Mr Emanuel Ramos de Carvalho, Consultant Ophthalmologist in Neuro-Ophthalmology and Medical Retina, Moorfields Eye Hospital.  Mark hosted an interactive discussion on… Continue reading »


Mark appointed Visiting Adjunct Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, USA

We’re delighted to announce that Mark was appointed Visiting Adjunct Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, in recognition of his extensive research track record.  He has published 80+ papers in peer reviewed journals and is in demand as a speaker at conferences nationally and internationally. Mark is looking forward to working with the team… Continue reading »


Restrictions lifting but little change…

Dear patients and professional colleagues, We trust that you are all keeping well. We appear to be turning a corner in this pandemic with restrictions being lifted and the country finally beginning to fully open up again. Despite this, the safety of our patients is our highest priority, and we will continue to implement the… Continue reading »


From the Front Line: Mark on volunteering at the Royal London Hospital’s Covid ITU

As you may have read, several of the large NHS London hospitals and Covid centres put out a call for staff volunteers to help out on their Intensive Therapy Units (ITUs) by doing shifts. As a result, many ophthalmologists, myself included, have volunteered. However, we consultants are so specialised in our field of ophthalmology that… Continue reading »


Lockdown 3 and Medical Appointments

Dear patients and professional colleagues, We trust that you are all keeping well. As we find ourselves in yet another lockdown, we wanted to remind everyone that medical appointments are exempt from the restrictions.   We will continue to care for our patients as normal in our safe clinic environment with strict hygiene and social distancing… Continue reading »


Tier 4 restrictions and medical appointments

Dear patients and professional colleagues, We trust that you are all keeping well. As London and much of the South East heads into Tier 4 restrictions, we thought we should re-emphasise that medical appointments are exempt from the restrictions.   We will continue to care for our patients as normal in our safe clinic environment with… Continue reading »


Medical appointments exempt from restrictions: Keeping patients safe

Dear patients and professional colleagues, We hope that you are all keeping well. Sadly another lockdown is needed, but the Government has been very clear that medical appointments are exempt from the restrictions.  Some of the conditions we see are very treatable conditions if identified and managed, but can be sight-threatening if not.  We will continue… Continue reading »


For our professional colleagues: Angle closure glaucoma

Dear all, We hope you and yours are all well. Things seem to be gradually going back to some sort of normal [fingers massively crossed]… We have been running small clinics for the last 4 weeks and they’ve been going well. We started off with 1 patient an hour, but found that such a large… Continue reading »


Practice re-opening and our safety measures

Dear patients and professional colleagues, I hope that you are all keeping well. The purpose of this message is to highlight some changes to the clinic visit that we have made in the light of the coronavirus pandemic.  This is primarily for the safety of our patients and  staff.  Just as your visit to a… Continue reading »


For our professional colleagues: Retinal Disease

We hope you, your families and all in your practices are well. As we head towards some slight loosening of the lockdown rules (picnics! garden centres!), we are beginning to make plans for resuming our clinics in this new environment, as we hope you are too. Things will be rather different: social distancing means separate… Continue reading »

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